Commercial insurance, why have one?

January 26, 2023

The insurance field is broad, so it encompasses a variety of options to protect your integrity and your assets. At Latinpro Insurance, we have several alternatives designed for your well-being.

Do you have a business and want to explore how to protect it against contingencies? For you, we have commercial insurance in Florida to protect your assets. These apply to employees, investments, real estate, commercial premises, homes, factories, or land.

Protect your assets and your company, regardless of its size! As a team, we can advise you to find the right policy for you.

Why should I have commercial insurance in Florida for my business?

We are confident that acquiring insurance is an investment in your company’s future. And, to support you in this process, insurance agencies have the experience to find the option that best suits the characteristics of your business.

We know that running a business in the United States, specifically in Orlando or Miami, requires a lot of dedication and effort. However, we also know that risk situations are costly to cover, mainly because they occur unexpectedly.

Purchasing a commercial insurance policy in Florida will be your helping hand and protect your business so that it will continue to be the perfect asset for you and your family.

Our insurance offers

In that sense, at Latinpro Insurance, we can offer you different insurances for different needs. Here are our available insurances:

General liability insurance

We have a broad range of coverages to face unfavorable liability situations like injuries, medical expenses, advertising incidents, and other events.

Bonds and guarantees

This insurance will allow you to comply with your company’s guarantees, either to the employee or service guarantees to the customer. If you cannot afford this duty, your insurance will do it for you.


In case of any emergency, such as theft, natural disasters, damage, or fire, which could force your company to close, this alternative will take care of your business assets by covering unforeseen expenses.


Should you need to support, protect and compensate your workers, we have all the coverage options for you to provide them with employment benefits.

Customized policy

If none of the above alternative options suit your requirements, we can create a customized policy. We know your company needs to cover unique demands to guarantee its growth.

Commercial insurance supports your investment by protecting your assets and reinforcing your employees’ benefits.

At Latinpro Insurance, we take care of finding the perfect coverage for you, whether you are a start-up or an established company. No area of your company is left without the support it deserves. From today, you can insure your company. Contact Latinpro Insurance and purchase your policy.