Why purchase a supplementary insurance?

enero 26, 2023

If you are evaluating ideal health insurance options for you and your loved ones, you should consider having supplemental insurance. If you are in Florida (Orlando or Miami), Latinpro Insurance has several options for you to have these benefits.

It is important to note that supplemental insurance is coverage you can purchase in addition to your primary health plan. These policies can help provide coverage for certain illnesses, accidents, injuries, and life insurance in Florida (Orlando or Miami).

Supplemental health policies differ from traditional health plans because they can help cover costs that your health plan may not include but are nonetheless essential in terms of wellness.

Want to know why you should have supplemental insurance in Florida? We will tell you below:

Benefits of supplemental insurance

Affordable prices

En primer lugar, la mayor parte de estos seguros tienen primas realmente económicas que te darán tranquilidad de que podrás ser atendido/a ante, prácticamente, cualquier eventualidad.

First, most of these insurance plans have very affordable premiums that will give you the peace of mind that you will count on coverage in practically any eventuality.

They can offer support in unexpected situations

Following the last mentioned, supplemental insurance in Florida is an excellent support to take care of unexpected or sudden situations. In many cases you can use the cash benefits for what you want. For example, you can pay for medical costs, household expenses, or pet and child care.

No specific registration period

Complementary insurance will be available whenever you want them since they do not have a strict enrollment time, as with medical insurance. At Latinpro Insurance, we will ensure you have the proper care and the insurance you need to stay healthy.

Types of supplemental insurance

At this point, you may be wondering what the referred types of insurance in Florida (Miami-Orlando) are. They are as follows:

Dental insurance

It’s one of the most important insurances you should have since 90% of the people will suffer mishaps related to dental health in Florida, according to specialists. This coverage includes treatment of cavities, cleanings, tooth extractions, implants, and everything necessary to maintain good oral health in Miami.

Hearing insurance

There are insurance policies that allow you to cover expenses for hearing health in Florida. These will help you pay for treatment, medical consultations, and exams and may even cover the cost of hearing aids or cochlear implants. It is excellent for seniors or people with hearing loss.

Optometry insurance

This type of supplemental insurance in Florida is, without a doubt, the best way to protect your eyesight. Depending on your coverage, it could cover everything from exams, frames, and contact lenses, to surgical treatments such as cataract surgery, corneal transplants, and vision correction.

Income protectors

This type of insurance will help you protect your finances. You may have heard of these under the name «disability insurance» in Miami. It is a backup plan in the form of a monthly payment in case you are ever seriously ill or injured and unable to work.

It is clear that if you are prone to have a chronic illness in your family or if you want financial protection to support you and your family due to disability, supplemental insurance is the ideal option. Are you in Miami-Orlando and wish to access these? At Latinpro Insurance, we can help you manage the acquisition. Contact us!